Computer Tips & Tweaks - Miscellaneous
Tips relating to everything else especially internet surfing.
IDENTIFY PHONY LINKS IN WEB PAGES AND IN EMAIL - How The Bad Guys Do It! Most of the virus, malware, spyware, and other bad stuff gets on computers because the user clicked on an enticing link. It could be an offer for something free or greatly reduced price. It could look like a current news story. The link can be on a legitimate website on in an email from a trusted friend. So how do you know what is safe and what isn't?
Move the mouse pointer over the link BUT DON'T CLICK. Now while hovering over the link, look at the popup in the lower left corner. You should be able to see the actual address that link is pointing to. Web designers can make any words appear as a link while disguising the actual address.
LIMIT CONTROL OF YOUR COMPUTER WHILE ON THE INTERNET - Invite A Guest! When you start Windows you most likely log on as an Administrator. An administrator has full 'permissions' to add and remove programs as well as other functions. If you click on something linking to a hidden malware or virus (on a webpage or in an email for example), the executable file that is activated will also have full administrator permissions. This is NOT good!
Windows has a built in 'Guest Account' that does not have the same level of permissions. In fact, the Guest Account cannot add or remove programs or run executable files. This gives you an added level of protection when web surfing.
To check for and activate the Guest Account, Search for 'Control Panel', then select 'Users'. Then 'Manage another account' then 'Add a new user'. Next time use the Guest Account when surfing the web for an extra measure of protection.
Windows has a built in 'Guest Account' that does not have the same level of permissions. In fact, the Guest Account cannot add or remove programs or run executable files. This gives you an added level of protection when web surfing.
To check for and activate the Guest Account, Search for 'Control Panel', then select 'Users'. Then 'Manage another account' then 'Add a new user'. Next time use the Guest Account when surfing the web for an extra measure of protection.
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